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Hyden Car Accident Attorney

While the vast majority of vehicle accidents may be minor, that is certainly not always the case. At Couch and Fugate, our team regularly helps clients who need a Hyden car accident attorney by their side. If you or somebody you care about has been injured in a vehicle accident caused by the careless or negligent actions of another driver in Perry County, we have the resources necessary to conduct a complete investigation into the claim and help you secure the compensation you need.

Why choose Couch and Fugate to handle this case?

  • At Couch and Fugate, our goal is to provide each client with an individualized approach to their car accident case. We listen to the facts of your situation before moving forward.
  • Our attorneys have decades of experience helping car accident victims throughout Kentucky obtain the compensation they are entitled to.
  • We take Hyden car accident cases on a contingency fee basis, which means that clients will pay no upfront or out-of-pocket cost for their case. We only collect legal fees after we obtain the compensation our clients need.

Why do you need a car accident lawyer?

A skilled Hyden car accident lawyer will have a thorough understanding of the laws surrounding these incidents. They will also be able to navigate the process of determining fault, depending on whether or not the case involves “no-fault” insurance or will be handled as a fault-based claim. An attorney can use their resources to:

  • Gather evidence needed to prove liability, including photo or video surveillance, eyewitness statements, police reports, mobile data, and vehicle “black box” data.
  • Work to ensure their client is fully evaluated by a trusted medical professional who can assess the totality of the injuries.
  • Negotiate with all parties involved to reach a fair settlement while also fully preparing to take the case to trial, if necessary.

Car accidents in Hyden often result in severe injuries

Data available from the Kentucky State Police shows that there were more than 156,000 total collisions reported during the latest year of data available for the Commonwealth. Out of these incidents, there were 745 fatalities and 33,686 injuries.

At Couch and Fugate, our Hyden car accident attorneys have extensive experience helping clients who have sustained the following injuries in these cases:

  • Traumatic brain injuries
  • Concussions
  • Open head injuries
  • Spinal cord trauma with paralysis
  • Other severe back or neck injury
  • Whiplash
  • Internal organ damage
  • Internal bleeding
  • Broken or dislocated bones
  • Severe lacerations
  • Crush injuries or amputations

Time limit to file a Hyden car accident claim

It is crucial for victims of car accidents to understand that they have a limited amount of time to file a lawsuit in these cases. The Kentucky personal injury statute of limitations is 2 years after the last PIP payment. This gives crash victims a two-year window with which to file a lawsuit against an alleged negligent driver after receiving their last PIP payment.

However, this time frame has no bearing on the very short deadlines put in place by insurance carriers. Crash victims must file their insurance claims within a day or two after the incident occurs.

Call a Hyden Car accident attorney today

If you or somebody you care about has been injured in a vehicle accident caused by the careless or negligent actions of another driver in Perry County, reach out to the team at Couch and Fugate as soon as possible. Our qualified attorneys have the experience necessary to fully investigate your claim and help secure the compensation you are entitled to. We will not back down from aggressive insurance carriers as we work to help you through this. When you need a Hyden car accident attorney, contact us for a free consultation of your case.